Transfer to Bukovel for a wedding

In addition to vacationing in the best resort in our country, many people want to have a wedding or celebrate an anniversary. Everyone knows that the best and longest wedding celebrations can be seen in the western part of Ukraine. The locals have great respect for the traditions and customs of their ancestors. Therefore, the wedding here lasts about three days, following all the necessary rules.

wedding in bukovel

When this wonderful day in your life comes, be sure to book a transfer to Bukovel for a wedding. Such a day happens only once in a lifetime.

Memories of weddings always evoke a joyful feeling of something majestic and unique.

The traditional wedding ceremony in all parts of Bukovel was full of symbols and magical actions aimed at ensuring a happy life, fertility and economic success of the young couple, as well as marked by the solemn sublimity and high emotionality that gave him the singing of wedding songs.

An exceptionally rich cycle of ceremonial wedding songs has been created on the territory of Bukovel, which have brought to our time an echo of ancient times, and sometimes archaic names. The study of the traditions of marriage is very important and greatly helps to clarify issues related to folk customs, life, beliefs and genre specifics of oral folk art. As the festivities take a lot of energy, a transfer to Bukovel for a wedding will be more appropriate than ever.

A traditional wedding is a surprisingly fascinating rite. This is a kind of collective “theatrical” holiday. It is difficult to find another ritukl with such a rich variety of everyday scenes, verbal dialogues and lyrics. The whole wedding part was not just an entertaining event. Its main function was to teach the young. Through verbal and song wishes, brides should experience profound changes in their lives, the transition to a different social status, the seriousness of marriage.

Bukovinian wedding ceremonies are divided into three periods: pre-wedding, wedding and post-wedding. Each of them has certain customs and rites. All these stages are interconnected and aim to bring the holiday to a climax – the creation of a new family. Despite the fact that in almost every village wedding ceremonies have their own characteristics, Bukovynian wedding is grouped into several territorial variants: the flat zone of Bukovel (Prut-Dniester interfluve and Bukovynian Podillya), Bukovynian Foothills (interfluve of Prut and Seret) and Bukovyna.

The premarital part of the Bukovynian wedding provided for the ceremonial separation of brides from unmarried youth, emotional and psychological preparation of the newlyweds for the transition to marital status and lasted 2-3 weeks, sometimes a month. The ceremonial actions that precede the wedding include: courtship, inspections, engagements, periwinkle and loaf rites, wedding invitations and youth farewell party. Premarital actions in the Bukovyna region had local manifestations of some elements, various forms and terminological differences. Observance of all stages of the rite, their successful performance foretold a happy life to the young couple.

Here are such interesting wedding celebrations you can see in Bukovel and even take part in them.

Our company “Transfer to Bukovel” offers you transfer services to Bukovel for a wedding, for more comfortable travel in colorful and exciting places of Western Ukraine.

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